Our Partners

The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)

In April 2006, a number of independent ARD bodies were established at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) not only dealing with ethically shaped disputes but also executing arbitral functions (related to juridical disputes), as well as mediation:

– The United Commission for Corporate Ethics at the RSPP;
– The Arbitration Board for Corporate Disputes Resolution at the RSPP
– The United Mediation Service at the RSPP.

The Non-Profit-Partnership «Center for Corporate Disputes Resolution» at the RSPP is responsible for organisation and coordination of the activities of these bodies. As a member of this Partnership, the Scientific and methodological Center for Mediation and Law contributes to higher efficiency of the activities of the RSPP Mediation service, as well as to creation of a respective scientific-methodological, and certification-related basis.
Establishing of the Mediation Service enabled the RSPP to extend the application area of conciliation procedures by assigning to the Mediation Service resolution not only of ethical but also of juridical disputes. If necessary, the parties may directly apply to the Mediation service for resolution of their dispute without previous involvement of any other ARD bodies. Today, business’ interest for consent-based methods of economic disputes resolution contributes to the growing popularity of mediation.
The first months of activities of the RSPP Mediation Service proved the big interest of entrepreneurs for mechanisms of dispute resolution under participation of a mediator. The business community pays more and more attention to this form of conciliation, despite the difficulties of the initial mediation development phase in Russia.

Official website: www.rspp.ru

The Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation

The RF Federal Chamber of Lawyers is an All-Russia Non-Profit-Organisation based on obligatory membership of the Chambers of Lawyers of the single constituent entities of the Russian Federation. By establishing the Federal Chamber of Lawyers, a unified professional community of lawyers covering the whole Russia has been established for the first time in the history of this country.
Attempts to unite regional advocacy undertaken in the Russian Monarchy used to fail. 1989, the USSR Union of Lawyers was established, uniting, however, not all attorney councils of the RSFSR and the other union republics.
Now, there are several public associations of lawyers there – the Federal Union of Lawyers, the Association of Lawyers of Russia, and the Guild of Russian Lawyers – each uniting a part of the colleges of advocates as its members. In contrast to them, the Federal Chamber of Lawyers is based on public law principles with mandatory membership of the Chambers of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The Federal Chamber of Lawyers as advocacy self-administration body of the Russian Federation was established for the purpose of:

– Representation and protection of the interests of advocates towards state authorities and local self-administration bodies;
– Coordination of activities of the Chambers of Lawyers;
– Ensuring a high level of juridical support provides by lawyers.

Official website: www.fparf.ru

The Center for Understanding in Conflict (USA)

The Center for Understanding in Conflict is an education center dealing with issues related to integration of mediation principles into juridical practice. Since 1981, the Center holds introductory and training workshops for jurists, lawyers, and specialists of other professions dealing with different kinds of conflicts. These workshops are based on the specific approach developed by the founders and leaders of the Center, Gary Friedman and Jack Himmelstein.
In the USA, already more than 2500 jurists, teachers, judges, and other specialists have been educated according to the Center’s guidelines. Since the 1990th, the understanding-based mediation model developed by Gary Friedman and Jack Himmelstein has won a large number of supporters among jurists, psychologists, social workers etc. in many European countries like Germany, Austria, Switzerland and others. Now, coaches of the Center carry out educational workshops in Europe and Israel. The Center is also Partner of the Harvard’s Program of Instruction for Lawyers, as well as the American Bar Association. The specific approach of the Center is being used by the Harvard School of Law.

Founders and leaders of the Center:

  • Gary Friedman, founder and co-director of the Center for Understanding in Conflict, is a hereditary lawyer. Till the end of the 1970th, he actively worked as lawyer in New York. Now he is practicing mediator in the Silicon Valley, California. His book “A Guide To Divorce Mediation” became a manual of the mediators in the USA and Europe. Gary Friedman performs trainings on mediation and law in the USA, Europe and Israel
  • Jack Himmelstein, founder and co-director of the Center, is professor of the Columbia School of Law, as well as the New York School of Law. Currently, he is actively teaching and practicing as mediator in New York, as well as in other cities of the USA and Europe

Official website: www.mediationinlaw.org

Integrierte Mediation e.V

The International Association for Integrated Mediation was established 2001. Currently, this organization counts already more than two hundred members who are juridical persons and individuals from more than ten countries. The founder and president of the International Association for integrated mediation is Arthur Trossen, jurist and mediator from Germany. Since 1982, he, over five years, had been working as state prosecutor to become afterwards, for the following more than eleven years, a judge for family issues. In the 1990th, he also actively acted as researcher in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution and studied mediation. By 2000, he developed his own concept called «integrated mediation». Arthur Trossen is author and coordinator of the EU project for implementation of mediation in Latvia. The success of this project attracted interest of neighbor countries.

Official website: www.in-mediation.eu

Interregional Consulting Center for Management and Politics

The Center is involved in organizational consulting, counselling services and dispute resolution through mediation. It holds business trainings and educational courses for corporate mediators as well as complex programmes for top-managers and company shareholders.Company’s activity is concentrated on improvement of corporate culture and business ethics in entrepreneurial society in Russia. The Center is also engaged in publishing activities specializing in core literature on law, psychology, management and business education.

Official website: www.mcupk.ru

Mediation and Law. Intermediation and Conciliation

“Mediation and Law. Intermediation and Conciliation” is Russia’s first specialist periodical on mediation. The magazine addresses a wide audience, first of all jurists, lawyers, businessmen, politicians, public servants, managers of all levels, social workers, as well as all those frequently experiencing in their everyday activities collisions of interests and being involved in conflict and dispute resolution. All of them need to have a picture of the nature, potential, and prospects of mediation.

The publication mainly desires to:
– Create information space to exchange experiences and opinions concerning mediation and other ADR methods;
– Inform the readership about the basic principles of mediation;
– Prove its advantages in comparison with other dispute resolution methods;
– Promote trust in mediation;
– Contribute to integration of mediation into Russian law;
– Support implementation of mediation in Russian society.

Official website: www.mediationandlaw.ru